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Showing posts from June 8, 2011

keyboard control

Keyboard Control The inside cover of Mac OS X Power Tools contains a list of selected keyboard shorcuts in OS X. Below is a more complete list, divided into sections based on where they are applicable. For mouse/keyboard actions, check out the "Modified Mousing" link to the left. (Letter keys are printed here in CAPS for clarity -- you do not need to press the shift key unless explicitly instructed.) (NOTE: This page is in the process of being updated for full Panther compatibility.) Startup and Login (see Chapter 3) command+option+O+F Invoke Open Firmware command+option+P+R Reset PRAM T Startup in FireWire Target Disk Mode option Invoke Startup Manager command+S Invoke single-user mode command+V Invoke verbose mode C Boot from CD/DVD X Boot into OS X (if you previously booted from OS 9 on the...

mac useful keyboard commands

To use a keyboard shortcut, or key combination, you press a modifier key with a character key. For example, pressing the Command key (the key with a symbol) and the "c" key at the same time copies whatever is currently selected (text, graphics, and so forth) into the Clipboard. This is also known as the Command-C key combination (or keyboard shortcut). A modifier key is a part of many key combinations. A modifier key alters the way other keystrokes or mouse clicks are interpreted by Mac OS X. Modifier keys include: Command, Control, Option, Shift, Caps Lock, and the fn key (if your keyboard has a fn key). Here are the modifier key symbols you can see in Mac OS X menus: (Command key) - On some Apple keyboards, this key also has an Apple logo ( )  (Control key)  ( Option key ) - "Alt" may also appear on this key  (Shift key) (Caps Lock) - Toggles Caps Lock on or off fn (Function key) Startup keyboard shortcuts Press the key or key combinatio...

77 useful linux commands

alias A way to run a command or a series of Unix commands using a shorter name you get associated with such commands. How to use the alias command in Linux. apt-get Apt-get is a tool to automatically update a Debian machine and get and install Debian packages/programs. How to manage software on Ubuntu Server with "aptitude" and "apt-get" . Understanding the Debian archives and apt-get . Using apt-get to update your Debian Machine . Aspell GNU Aspell is a free and open source spell checker designed to replace Ispell. It can either be used as a library or as an independent spell checker. How to use Aspell to check spelling.   AWK , Gawk A programming-language tool used to manipulate text. The language of the AWK utility resembles the shell-programming language in many areas, although AWK's syntax is very much its own. Learn how to use the AWK utility . Gawk is the GNU Project's version of the AWK programming language . bzip2 A portable, ...