We Saw It Coming: Dinky Asteroid Hits Earth, Burns Up JAN 2, 2014 02:08 PM ET // BY IAN O'NEILL VIEW RELATED GALLERY » Artist's impression of a small asteroid hitting the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Credit: Getty GALLERY Top 10 Ways to Stop an Asteroid VIEW CAPTION + #1: VIEW CAPTION + #2: VIEW CAPTION + #3: VIEW CAPTION + #4: VIEW CAPTION + #5: VIEW CAPTION + #6: VIEW CAPTION + #7: VIEW CAPTION + #8: VIEW CAPTION + #9: VIEW CAPTION + #10: VIEW CAPTION + #11: UP NEXT Weirdest Mars Craters Spotted By HiRISE: Photos ‹ › For only the second time in history, an asteroid has hit Earth that was discovered hours before impact . But don’t panic! The asteroid didn’t put a city-sized divot in ...