+O:-) Pope
<:>== A turkey
<:-I Dunce
<|-) Chinese
=#:-) Wizard
=|:-)= Uncle Sam
- -:-( Punk Rocker
!-( Black Eye
## waffles
#( Lips are sealed
#-) Dead / Partied ALL Night
#:-) From a person with matted hair
#:-0 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#:o+= Betty Boob
$-) I'm a yuppie / Lotto fever
$_$ Ooh...money...
%-) At keyboard 12 hours / Cross-eyed
%*@:-( Hung Over
%-^) Picasso
%+{ Lost A Fight
%+| Beaten Up
%-6 Braindead
&&&& Pretzels
&-( Crying
&:-) Curly hair
( o ) ( o ) Hooters
(( )):** Hugs and Kisses
(((((name)))) Hug (cyber hug)
(-) Needs a Haircut
(.)(.) Ms. Dos
(: (=| Wearing a Ghost Costume
(-: I'm a lefty / User is left-handed
(:-$ Ill
(:-) Bald Guy
(:)-) Scuba Diving
(:-* Kissing
(:-... Broken Heart
(::()::) Bandaide
(-::-) Siamese Twins
(-:|:-) We're Siamese twins
(:=) Two Noses
(:>-< Thief
(:-D Blabber Mouth
(:-I Egghead
(@@) You're kidding
(_) Mug (coffee, beer)
(-_-) Secret smile
(00) Pulling a Mooner
(8-) Gorilla / Wearing (sun) glasses
(O--< A fishy message...
-):......... I'm dyslexic
):-P :-P with a forehead
*!#*!^*&:-) A Schizophrenic
*-( A Cyclops Poked in the Eye
*-) Shot Dead / Stoned
****:-) I look like Marge Simpson
*:* Fuzzy
*:o) Bozo the Clown
*_* Not well/dizzy
*<:-) Santa Claus
.-) Keeping an eye out / One Eyed
...---... SOS
.\/ Duck
.^) Side View
/:-) French
: };^)' Lil devil
:' Crying
:-! Foot in Mouth / A smoker / Smoking
:-" Pursed Lips
:-# Fat Lip / Lips are Sealed
:-$ Ill as in sick / Money talks
:-& Person is angry... / Tongue Tied
:& Tongue tied
:-|| Angry
:( A frown, something's sad
:( ) Can't Stop Talking
:-( ) You Just Backed Your Car Over My Toe
:'-( Crying Sadly
:-( I'm sad
-:-( Punk rocker (real punk rockers don't smile)
:-(#) Wearing Braces (teeth)
:-(( Very Sad
:-() Big mouth (User has rambled on)
:-(=) Person has big teeth
:-) )-: Masking theatrical comments
:'-) [Crying for Joy]
:) A smile, don't take it seriously
:'''-) Floods of Tears :- Male
:-') Has a Cold
:-)) Very Happy / I have a double-chin
:-))) Laughing or Double Chin
:)~ Drool
:-)= Vampire
:-)> Bearded
:-)-8 Big Girl
:* Kiss
:-* Kiss / Puckering for a kiss
:.-) Laughing Tears
::-) Wearing Glasses
:-? Smokes a pipe
:-@ Confused, ill
:-@; Screaming
:-\ Undecided
:-{) Mustache
:-|K- Formal message.
:-} Wry smile
:~( Weeping
:~/ Mixed Up
:+) Large Nose
:-< Sad / Vampire
:<) Mustache
:-> Devilish Grin (heavy sarcasm)
:> Smiling, happy faces
:-0 Shocked
:-3 Has Eaten a Lemon
:-6 Exhausted, Wiped Out / Sour Taste in Mouth
:-7 User just made a wry statement
:8) Pig
:-9 Delicious, Yummy / Licking Lips / Tasty
:-B I have buck teeth / Tongue stuck out
:-C Bummed Out / Pout
:c) Pig headed
:D Laughing out loud / Licking mouth
:-d Tasty
:-D Wider happy face (or Mistrel singers)
:-e Disappointment
:-E Vampire
:-II Angry
:-j Smoker Smiling / :-J Tongue in cheek
:-o "Oh, nooooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill)
:O Shocked
:-o Shouting / :-O Shouting loudly
:O Yell
:o) Boxer's Nose
:-p Tongue in Cheek / Tongue stuck out
:-Q Smoking
:-r Tongue stuck out
:-ss drools or has a cold
:-t Cross
:-V Shouting
:-w Speaks with Forked Tongue
:-x kiss / No comment or User's lips are sealed
:-x} Kissing
:-Z Sleeping
;-( A wink
@[_]~~ Mug of HOT Coffee or Tea
@->-->--> A rose
12x--<---@ A Dozen Roses
[:-) Wearing Headphones
[:-I] Robot
\:-) French Hat
\_/ Glass (drink)
\~/ Full Glass
\-o Bored
]:-) The Devil
-_- Closed eyes ;(
_:^) American Indian
_o-) Aquanaut
{(:-) Wearing a toupee
{:-) Wig
{:V Duck
{} Hug or No comment
| -) I'm sleeping
|-( Late night messages
|-) Beaming, or happy dreams / Sleeping
|:-) Bushy/Heavy Eyebrows ) Cheshire Cat
|:[' Groucho Marx
|:-| Excessively Rigid
|-] Robocop
|^o Snoring
|-{ Good Grief
|-0 Yawning
|-I Asleep / sleeping
|-O Yawning / Snoring / Birth
}-& Angry
}:-( Bull Headed
}:-) Mean grin (with eyebrows)
}:-< Cat
~ :-( Particularly Angry
~~\8-O Needs to Fix Frayed Cord on Computer
~~~~~8} Snake
~~~c___ Beach
~= Candle
~M`'~ Camel
+<||-) Knight
>:-) Evil Grin / I'm in a devilish mood
0:-) Angel / Saint / Smile with Halo
3:-) Cow
5:-) Elvis
8(:-) Walt Disney
C:-) Big brain
C|:-) Wearing a Bowler Hat
C=:-) Chef
d:-) Wearing a Cap
<:>== A turkey
<:-I Dunce
<|-) Chinese
=#:-) Wizard
=|:-)= Uncle Sam
- -:-( Punk Rocker
!-( Black Eye
## waffles
#( Lips are sealed
#-) Dead / Partied ALL Night
#:-) From a person with matted hair
#:-0 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#:o+= Betty Boob
$-) I'm a yuppie / Lotto fever
$_$ Ooh...money...
%-) At keyboard 12 hours / Cross-eyed
%*@:-( Hung Over
%-^) Picasso
%+{ Lost A Fight
%+| Beaten Up
%-6 Braindead
&&&& Pretzels
&-( Crying
&:-) Curly hair
( o ) ( o ) Hooters
(( )):** Hugs and Kisses
(((((name)))) Hug (cyber hug)
(-) Needs a Haircut
(.)(.) Ms. Dos
(: (=| Wearing a Ghost Costume
(-: I'm a lefty / User is left-handed
(:-$ Ill
(:-) Bald Guy
(:)-) Scuba Diving
(:-* Kissing
(:-... Broken Heart
(::()::) Bandaide
(-::-) Siamese Twins
(-:|:-) We're Siamese twins
(:=) Two Noses
(:>-< Thief
(:-D Blabber Mouth
(:-I Egghead
(@@) You're kidding
(_) Mug (coffee, beer)
(-_-) Secret smile
(00) Pulling a Mooner
(8-) Gorilla / Wearing (sun) glasses
(O--< A fishy message...
-):......... I'm dyslexic
):-P :-P with a forehead
*!#*!^*&:-) A Schizophrenic
*-( A Cyclops Poked in the Eye
*-) Shot Dead / Stoned
****:-) I look like Marge Simpson
*:* Fuzzy
*:o) Bozo the Clown
*_* Not well/dizzy
*<:-) Santa Claus
.-) Keeping an eye out / One Eyed
...---... SOS
.\/ Duck
.^) Side View
/:-) French
: };^)' Lil devil
:' Crying
:-! Foot in Mouth / A smoker / Smoking
:-" Pursed Lips
:-# Fat Lip / Lips are Sealed
:-$ Ill as in sick / Money talks
:-& Person is angry... / Tongue Tied
:& Tongue tied
:-|| Angry
:( A frown, something's sad
:( ) Can't Stop Talking
:-( ) You Just Backed Your Car Over My Toe
:'-( Crying Sadly
:-( I'm sad
-:-( Punk rocker (real punk rockers don't smile)
:-(#) Wearing Braces (teeth)
:-(( Very Sad
:-() Big mouth (User has rambled on)
:-(=) Person has big teeth
:-) )-: Masking theatrical comments
:'-) [Crying for Joy]
:) A smile, don't take it seriously
:'''-) Floods of Tears :- Male
:-') Has a Cold
:-)) Very Happy / I have a double-chin
:-))) Laughing or Double Chin
:)~ Drool
:-)= Vampire
:-)> Bearded
:-)-8 Big Girl
:* Kiss
:-* Kiss / Puckering for a kiss
:.-) Laughing Tears
::-) Wearing Glasses
:-? Smokes a pipe
:-@ Confused, ill
:-@; Screaming
:-\ Undecided
:-{) Mustache
:-|K- Formal message.
:-} Wry smile
:~( Weeping
:~/ Mixed Up
:+) Large Nose
:-< Sad / Vampire
:<) Mustache
:-> Devilish Grin (heavy sarcasm)
:> Smiling, happy faces
:-0 Shocked
:-3 Has Eaten a Lemon
:-6 Exhausted, Wiped Out / Sour Taste in Mouth
:-7 User just made a wry statement
:8) Pig
:-9 Delicious, Yummy / Licking Lips / Tasty
:-B I have buck teeth / Tongue stuck out
:-C Bummed Out / Pout
:c) Pig headed
:D Laughing out loud / Licking mouth
:-d Tasty
:-D Wider happy face (or Mistrel singers)
:-e Disappointment
:-E Vampire
:-II Angry
:-j Smoker Smiling / :-J Tongue in cheek
:-o "Oh, nooooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill)
:O Shocked
:-o Shouting / :-O Shouting loudly
:O Yell
:o) Boxer's Nose
:-p Tongue in Cheek / Tongue stuck out
:-Q Smoking
:-r Tongue stuck out
:-ss drools or has a cold
:-t Cross
:-V Shouting
:-w Speaks with Forked Tongue
:-x kiss / No comment or User's lips are sealed
:-x} Kissing
:-Z Sleeping
;-( A wink
@[_]~~ Mug of HOT Coffee or Tea
@->-->--> A rose
12x--<---@ A Dozen Roses
[:-) Wearing Headphones
[:-I] Robot
\:-) French Hat
\_/ Glass (drink)
\~/ Full Glass
\-o Bored
]:-) The Devil
-_- Closed eyes ;(
_:^) American Indian
_o-) Aquanaut
{(:-) Wearing a toupee
{:-) Wig
{:V Duck
{} Hug or No comment
| -) I'm sleeping
|-( Late night messages
|-) Beaming, or happy dreams / Sleeping
|:-) Bushy/Heavy Eyebrows ) Cheshire Cat
|:[' Groucho Marx
|:-| Excessively Rigid
|-] Robocop
|^o Snoring
|-{ Good Grief
|-0 Yawning
|-I Asleep / sleeping
|-O Yawning / Snoring / Birth
}-& Angry
}:-( Bull Headed
}:-) Mean grin (with eyebrows)
}:-< Cat
~ :-( Particularly Angry
~~\8-O Needs to Fix Frayed Cord on Computer
~~~~~8} Snake
~~~c___ Beach
~= Candle
~M`'~ Camel
+<||-) Knight
>:-) Evil Grin / I'm in a devilish mood
0:-) Angel / Saint / Smile with Halo
3:-) Cow
5:-) Elvis
8(:-) Walt Disney
C:-) Big brain
C|:-) Wearing a Bowler Hat
C=:-) Chef
d:-) Wearing a Cap
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