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Become a Navy Seal

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Navy SEAL General Requirements.

Navy SEAL Enlisted General Requirements.
Navy SEALs are physically fit, mentally sharp, mature and resilient. Those men who want to become SEALs are screened to determine their potential to succeed in the community.

In addition to meeting the basic requirements for enlistment or commissioning in the Navy, candidates interested in becoming SEALs must meet rigorous physical and mental requirements.

The physical fitness of a potential candidate is assessed using:

 Pre-enlistment medical screening
 Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery ( ASVAB )
 Armed Forces Qualification Test ( AFQT )
 Computerized-Special Operations Resilience Test ( C-SORT )
 SEAL Physical Screening Test ( SEAL PST )

The ASVAB and AFQT are used to assess a candidate's mental sharpness and ability to learn. While the C-SORT is used to screen his maturity and mental resilience.


To receive a Navy SEAL contract, a candidate must pass the SEAL PST, which consists of:

 Swim 500 yard breast or side stroke12:3010:009:30
 Push-ups in two-minutes4279100
 Sit-ups in two-minutes5079100
 Pull-ups no time limit061125
 Run 1.5 miles11:0010:2009:30

To qualify for a contract, a prospective candidate must meet the minimum requirements. The qualifying SEAL PST must be administered by a Naval Special Warfare coordinator or mentor. Prospective candidates can increase their chances of being selected for BUD/S and succeeding in training by having optimum PST scores. You can judge your current level of fitness by taking the SEAL PST Calculator. The SEAL PST Calculator will compare your scores to actual Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL ( BUD/S ) entry level scores and rank you accordingly.


The ASVAB is used to assess an applicant's mental sharpness and ability to learn. The ASVAB is generally administered at a Military Entrance Processing Station.

The standard ASVAB contains the following subtests:

 Word Knowledge ( WK )
 Arithmetic Reasoning ( AR )
 Mechanical Comprehension ( MC )
 Shop Information ( SI )
 Automotive Information ( AI )
 Electronics Information ( EI )
 Mathematics Knowledge ( MK )
 General Science ( GS )
 Paragraph Comprehension ( PC )
 Assembling Objects ( AO )
 Verbal Expression ( VE ) - a scaled combination of WK+PC

An additional line score, Coding Speed ( CS ), should be requested at MEPS, and the score can be included in the calculation to determine eligibility for the SEAL program. If the CS line score is not taken, only one set of line scores can be used to determine eligibility.

As of May 1, 2012 to qualify, an applicant must score one of the following on the ASVAB:

1. GS + MC + EI = 170 or better ( PAY 97 ) or option #2
2. VE + MK + MC + CS = 220 or better
In addition to the above, you must score: VE + AR = 110 with minimum MC = 50

1. GS + MC + EI = 170 or better ( PAY 80 ) or option #2
2. VE + MK + MC + CS = 220 or better
In addition to the above, you must score: VE + AR = 110 with minimum MC = 50

AFQT results are returned as percentiles from 1-99. A score of a 50 would mean you were in the 50th percentile or have an average score. The Navy requires an AFQT score of at least 35. Men who succeed at BUD/S traditionally have AFQT scores of 78 or better.
What if my ASVAB score isn't high enough?
If you are not in the Navy, you will have to work with your recruiter to study for and re-take the ASVAB. If you are a fleet candidate, the Navy College offers ASVAB preparation courses you can take while you arrange a re-test with your career counselor. You may be eligible for a waiver if you are a particularly strong candidate and your score is close to the minimum.

Specifically, you will not receive a waiver if your Mechanical Comprehension ( MC ) score is more than five points below the minimum. If your overall ASVAB score is a few points to low, and you are not in the Navy, you will need to work with your Navy recruiter to seek a waiver through the Navy's Recruiting Command.

Waivers are granted on a case-by-case basis. The applicants SEAL PST scores and strength of the overall application package will be used to make a determination of eligibility. If you're already in the Navy, submit your transfer package. It will be evaluated by the SEAL detailer. The detailer will make a recommendation to the Naval Special Warfare Enlisted Community Manager who will make the final determination.
What's the max ASVAB score waiver?
Overall score waivers are granted on a case-by-case basis. However, if your Mechanical Comprehension ( MC ) score is more than five points below the minimum, you will not be granted a waiver.


The Computerized-Special Operations Resilience Test, or C-SORT, is designed to assess a prospective SEAL candidate's mental toughness or resilience. The test includes multiple sections designed to assess a prospective candidate's abilities in three areas:

 Performance strategies
 Psychological resilience
 Personality traits

Performance strategies test for capabilities such as a person's goal-setting, self-talk and emotional control. Psychological resilience focuses on assessing several other areas like an individual's acceptance of life situations and the ability to deal with cognitive challenges and threats.

The scores on the sections of this test are combined into a band score on a scale of one to four. A band score of four indicates that a candidate is most mentally resilient, and a one indicates the lowest level of mental resilience. Each prospective SEAL candidate can only take the C-SORT one time.

To determine eligibility for the SEAL program, the C-SORT band score is combined with the candidate's run and swim time. People who have low C-SORT and slow combined run and swim times will not be considered for SEAL contracts. They will be counseled that they are not ready to pursue a career as a SEAL.

While candidates are not allowed to retake the C-SORT, a candidate can demonstrate his motivation by improving his PST score - particularly run and swim times - and re-taking the Delayed Entry Program qualifying PST in order to move into the qualifying band to become eligible for a SEAL contract.


Applicants must be from 17 to 28 years old. Waivers for men ages 29 and 30 are available for highly qualified candidates. Men with prior enlisted service as SEALs who are seeking to become SEAL Officers can request waivers to age 33.
Must be correctable to 20/25. Uncorrected vision must be at least 20/70 in the worst eye and 20/40 in the best. Color blindness is disqualifying.
Candidates must be U.S. citizens.
In addition to the other requirements listed on this website, applicants must be able to obtain a secret security clearance, be male and must remain morally, mentally and physically qualified.


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